2013 ACM-SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize
Lane Hemaspaandra

The 2013 SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize is awarded to Lane Hemaspaandra.

Lane has served as Editor of the Complexity Theory Column of SIGACT News for over twenty years. This popular column disseminates detailed yet broadly accessible coverage of the latest developments in complexity theory. Lane has written many of the columns, and in addition he has done a remarkable job in recruiting leading members of the TCS community to write about new results. The contributed columns come from both well-known researchers and more junior authors with exciting new work. Lane's editorial work combines a tremendous and broad understanding of his field, with great energy and organization in managing one of the most consistent columns of SIGACT News.

Lane has a long record of contributions to other venues that disseminate research results. He continues to write many articles for Computing Reviews and Mathematical Reviews. From 1998 to 2009 he served as Computational Complexity Moderator for the ACM Computing Research Repository at arXiv.org. He has served on seven editorial boards. In addition Lane works in MentorNet to help students and postdocs develop their careers.

Taken as a whole these activities advance our field, in the eyes of both TCS researchers at all stages of their careers and the greater scientific community. They set an example for others of different ways to make TCS a rich and vibrant field.

Created by Amit Chakrabarti.
Last updated Mon Jul 28 2014